June 25, 1999: Martin Fischer and Thorsten Lenk found 5 POINT AG, a software company with the self-declared mission of analyzing and improving companies’ internal business processes. In 2002, 5 POINT AG reoriented itself and developed the product that was later named teamspace classic. Before the invention of Dropbox and the Google calendar, companies already could back up their data and easily distribute it among employees; the product was seen as a collaboration tool. But when big players like Google offered their solutions for free, the company realigned itself again and focused on process-oriented solutions, creating projectfacts. The current teamspace provides best practices for different industries. 25 years later, the company exists with the same mission and the two products projectfacts and teamspace. Through years of work, more than 10,000 users worldwide can now use the sophisticated ERP software to digitize, optimize and link all processes for their company. It doesn’t matter whether it’s time recording, CRM, project organization or tickets, for example. With projectfacts and teamspace, we have developed products that are specifically tailored to the needs of users and work reliably for our small to medium-sized customers.